
I was late for work this morning, for no other valid reason that I
seriously couldn't be bothered getting out of bed. I know this sounds
like a pretty lame excuse, but part of the reason I didn't get up was
that I was lying there wondering how many other people in the world
were also lying in their beds looking at their alarm clocks and
repeating the mantra "just another five minutes".

Something tells me there's a distinct sense of irony there, but I can't be assed to try and fathom it right now.

Oh, and why is that people don't get out of bed on odd numbered times?
Why, if it's 3 minutes past 7 do they have to wait until 5 past before
they can get up?.

I think there's something in that for all of us.

Posted on 9:02 AM by thenewbeige and filed under | 0 Comments »


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