Just like a chocolate milkshake only....cold.

This is a cold, cold town. It seems the more glacial Canberra gets, the more lethargic I become.
Alternatively, my mind is also a little overcast today, so that could explain these feelings of malcontent. I'm sure a tropical climate would be far more conducive to productivity.
Well, mine anyway.

More often these days, I sit and contemplate whilst staring out of the window (yes, it's a well known fact that these two activities go hand-in-hand), the fact that I could be home in bed. Or better yet, piggybacking my kids around the beach of some far-flung Hawaiian atoll with my only worries being which pool will be warmer today (usually the one with the highest concentration of small children - to be avoided), or where to have our lunch delivered; the beach or the Cabana.
Unfortunately at this point, someone normally arrives at my desk and brings me back from this reverie with an inane question about budget projections or software packaging.
Thankyou so much, kind stranger.

It could also be a 'grass is always greener' scenario.
Perhaps people in Rio De Janeiro fantasise about living somewhere overcast and grey?
Are their residents sick of having sand and coconut tanning oil covering everything, and long to pull a chunky knitted jumper out of the bottom drawer of the tallboy?
Do their buttocks yearn to be swathed in a pair of grandma-style passion killers instead of something resembling cotton dental floss that
occasionally need to be removed surgically?
Who knows.

Speaking of knitted jumpers (seems like a good segway to me); what in the name of all things holy is Daryl Somers doing back on television? I thought he was dead.
Admittedly his complexion does bear a striking resemblance to someone that has been frozen and thawed out recently.
Perhaps Channel Nine have their own secret cryogenics lab, and intend to roll out Graham Kennedy in the near future for an "Hilarious Family-Orientated Variety Show"'.
I can hardly wait.

Nick and I nearly got a chance to play at being idiots in front of a large crowd this weekend, but unfortunately it didn't eventuate as the siren song of B-Bar beckoned. Would have been kinda cool though. Especially when he realises I'm not actually a real DJ, and only own three vinyl records and a CD that I found on the front of a Dolly magazine.
Still, it's surprising how far the 'Ghostbusters' soundtrack, 'Best of Cold Chisel' and 'Summer Sampler '2003' will get you in this town.

Hey, don't forget to remember our diggers on Anzac Day either.
They died to make our country what it is today. In my humble opinion, one of the best places in the world to live.
So spare them a thought.

K, that's my patriotic diatribe over. Now go enjoy yourselves.

Posted on 11:19 AM by thenewbeige and filed under | 0 Comments »


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