Hey kids, who wants a Frisball©?!

I gained a new found respect for the humble frisbee on the weekend.

Yours truly and some overenthusiastic (read: "still pissed from the night before"), friends decided to head down to the park for a game of touch football. Of course, we took along the standard prerequisites for any outdoor soiree; a football, an undersized soccer ball, and of course, a frisbee.

What resulted was not your average sport.

Born out of ingenuity and sheer inventiveness, our game was a cross between touch football, AFL and repeated 50m sprints. Suffice to say, even the most hardy athlete would have met his demise at the hands of this rather nondescript flying disk. Even I, who, in the peak of physical conditioning (shutup, it's my Journal and I'll write what I want), fell victim to exhaustion after just 45 minutes.

It is, however, a very cool game. And lots of fun. As I and my grass-stained knees will attest to.

I was going to explain the rules here, but I started and then realised it would take longer than I thought. So I didn't.

I was later informed by the two solicitors present that according to Australian constitutional law, one must immediately consume at least 1 litre of cold beer and no less than 500g of char-grilled quadruped after any competitive ball-related sport has been finalised.

Hey, I don't makes the rules, I just abides by 'em.

Posted on 2:57 PM by thenewbeige and filed under | 0 Comments »


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