I wish I was a pirate.

Granted, it's an unrelated topic, but nevertheless true. I couldn't think of anything better than spending my days looting and plundering. I mean seriously, how often does one get to use the phrase "pieces of eight" in everyday conversation. Way too little for my liking, I can tell you.

And another thing, there's not nearly enough "Aaahhhhrrrrrr", ing being heard either. It's an extremely underrated and phrase, and one which I believe should definitely be reintroduced into mainstream vocabulary.

Take for example, a conversation I had with Nick recently..

"Hey Nick, do you like that new Doctor Pressure track?"

Nick : "Why yes...yes I do". 

That just won't do.

Now, let's use my suggested example..

"Hey Nick, do you like that new Doctor Pressure track?"

Nick : "Aaahhhhrrrrrr!". 

You see; infinitely more expressive. Now granted, Nick wasn't wearing an eye patch or skull and crossbones hat at the time, but you get the picture.


Oh, speaking of looting, we played poker on the weekend, and for the second time running, yours truly won the tournament.

I'm not going to gloat about this, or profess my limitless poker-playing abilities; suffice to say I was very pleased with the $120 I received.

That should just about get me half a tank of unleaded.

Posted on 2:12 PM by thenewbeige and filed under | 0 Comments »


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